Maasai Tribe Experience

The Masai Mara National Reserve is adjacent to a Maasai community known as Tarek. It is a traditional Manyatta or culture homestead with 48 houses. They have been practicing pastoralism since ancient times. They have livestock such as goats, sheep, and cattle. A man’s success or wealth is determined by the amount of offspring and cattle he possesses. The animals are their main food source.

The Maasai community is friendly and welcoming. Tourists who would love to learn about their way of life can visit and interact with the members. You will have first-hand experience of Maasai culture by witnessing their daily rituals. The Maasai nomadic lifestyle and authentic culture have remained constant for centuries. Guests are fascinated by the community’s colorful lifestyle, fine-crafted handiwork, vibrant dance, and lively songs. You can buy souvenirs at the buzzing curio market, like wearable Maasai beads, carved animals, wooden spoons, Kitenge bags, and purses.

the maasai famous jumping dance
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